2. Exhibitors may show only two (2) head in the show.
3. Hogs will be shown in classes of about 20 animals, divided according to weight.
4. All animals exhibited are eligible to be used in the judging and showmanship contest.
5. All animals exhibited will be sent to slaughter.
6. A $3 entry fee will be charged to cover expenses.
7. Owner shall furnish all bedding and feed.
8. The weigh-in weight will be the show and selling weight. No reweigh will be permitted.
9. Any animal showing evidence of staginess, incomplete castration, crippling or disease will be eliminated from the on-foot as well as the carcass contest.
10. Hogs will sell at market price on show day.
11. 4-H and FFA entries will not be eligible to show in the open on-foot contest.
12. $1,500 will be awarded by the Danish System, Blue (2X), Red (1 5X)and White (1X) to youth hogs.
13. Weigh-in will begin at 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 16. All hogs must be on the grounds by 5 p.m.
14. All exhibitors must pay front gate fair admission.