Miss Teen Nelson County Fair
Tuesday July 14, 2015
8:00 p.m. EST
Gates open 5:00
Registration ends 7:00 pm. EST
Ages 13-15
$50.00 ENTRY FEE Plus $10 gate admission.
Rules are in compliance with state guidelines
(click here for link to state guidelines or go to www.kafs.net).
1. Contestants must be 13 years of age and cannot be 16 on October 31 of this year. Winner may be asked to show proof of age at State pageant.
2. Contestant must be single, never married and never had children.
3. Contestant must be a permanent resident of the state of Kentucky.
4. Contestant will be judged from the standpoint of personality, poise and appearance. Judges decisions are final.
5. Contestants will appear in casual wear and age appropriate evening gown.
6. Only 1 FEMALE is allowed in dressing room and NO cell phones.
7. Top contestants will be asked a question on stage.
8. Previous winners are not eligible to compete.
9. Winners will receive cash prize and will compete in Miss Teen Kentucky County Fair pageant in October of this year.
10. The winner will retain her title for one (1) year. Marriage or motherhood will result in loss of title.
11. Failure to comply with rules of the fair board pageant committee and/or state rules and regulations may result in dismissal from pageant and loss of title.
NO REFUNDS/NO RAINCHECKS given, this includes, gate admission. In case of rain, the pageant will be held at the Civic Center where admission will be $5.00 per person. NOTE: This admission will NOT gain you access to the fair.
For more information, contact
Jill Peyton 502-507 2028.
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